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A concurrent resolution granting authority for adjournment for more than 2 days.
A resolution prescribing the Standing Rules of the Senate.
A resolution notifying the Governor and the House of Representatives that the Senate is ready to proceed with the business of the session.
A resolution to direct the Clerk to notify the Senate that the House of Representatives has assembled and is ready to proceed with the business of the session.
A resolution to direct the Clerk to notify the Governor that the House of Representatives has assembled and is ready to proceed with the business of the session.
A resolution to fix the hour for daily sessions.
A resolution to provide for Scott E. Starr to be the Clerk of the House of Representatives for the One Hundred Third Legislature.
A resolution to provide for Rachelle Smit to be Speaker Pro Tempore of the House of Representatives for the One Hundred Third Legislature.
A resolution to prescribe the Standing Rules for the 2025-2026 session of the House of Representatives.