
1 to 10 of 85 results

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  • 2017-2018
  • Taxes

2018 Senate Bill 907 / Public Act 679

Exempt sale of school's bus to contractor from use tax

2018 Senate Bill 906 / Public Act 673

Exempt sale of school's bus to contractor from sales tax

2018 Senate Bill 1034 / Public Act 672

Expand small forest property tax breaks

2018 House Bill 6049 / Public Act 660

Increase tax assessor training requirements

2018 House Bill 5801 / Public Act 659

Add to requried property tax hike disclosures

2018 House Bill 5454 / Public Act 633

Extend homestead property exemption to demolished home

2017 Senate Bill 707 / 2018 Public Act 626

Create structure for state tourism marketing subsidies

2017 Senate Bill 706 / 2018 Public Act 625

Create structure for state tourism marketing subsidies

2018 House Bill 6348 / Public Act 616

Revise "personal property tax" details

2017 House Bill 4522 / 2018 Public Act 589

Authorize stillborn tax exemption