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Probate: patient advocates; withholding life-sustaining treatment for a patient who is pregnant; allow.
Records: death; commission to investigate racial disparities related to maternal health; create.
Family law: marriage and divorce; authority to solemnize marriage; modify.
Torts: defenses; firearm manufacturer immunity from liability to local units of government; abolish.
Civil procedure: other; firearm industry responsibility act; provide for.
Torts: wrongful death; damages; provide for recovery of lost future earning capacity.
Torts: medical malpractice; cap on noneconomic damages; revise.
Torts: liability; vehicle owner liability act; revise to except peer-to-peer car sharing.
Transportation: other; peer-to-peer car sharing program; provide for.
Probate: trusts; uniform statutory rule against perpetuities; revise to reflect limitation of the personal property trust perpetuities act to certain property.