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Crimes: animals; cross-reference in revised judicature act; update.
Crimes: animals; cross-reference in animal welfare fund act; update.
Animals: care and treatment; definition of shelter for animals; modify.
Crimes: domestic violence; common household pets in certain shelter programs; provide for.
Crime victims: compensation; crime victim compensation for certain pet expenses; provide for.
Insurance: insurers; property insurance denial, cancellation, or increased premiums for owners of certain breeds of dogs; prohibit.
Animals: care and treatment; conducting of research or training activities on dogs in a manner that causes pain or distress; prohibit.
Criminal procedure: other; registry for animal abusers; create.
Criminal procedure: other; forfeiture of animal victims of cruelty and fighting; provide for.
Crimes: drugs; illicit use of xylazine; prohibit, and provide penalties.