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  • 2017-2018
  • Energy

2018 House Bill 5837 / Public Act 687

Revise "joint agency" uitility arrangements

2018 House Bill 5680

Tax breaks for household “alternative energy” installations

2017 House Bill 5143

Exempt “alternative energy” equipment from personal property tax

2018 Senate Bill 1130 / Public Act 474

Let company delinquent in tax break conditions get tax breaks anyway

2018 Senate Bill 1196 / Public Act 688

Impose tax, expand regulation of radioactives in hazardous waste landfills

2018 House Bill 6201

Increase Mackinac pipeline spill sanctions

2018 House Bill 6003 / Public Act 308

Repeal various government agency reporting requirements

2017 House Bill 5335 / 2018 Public Act 323

Create government infrastructure council

2017 House Bill 5238 / 2018 Public Act 135

Expand energy-related purchase/debt scheme for schools

2017 Senate Bill 375 / Public Act 242

Authorize county subsidies for methane digester generators