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Businesses: business corporations; applicability of the business corporation act; modify.
Businesses: limited liability companies; definition of business organization; modify.
Communications: telecommunications; conversion for telephone corporations to domestic limited liability company; provide for.
Property tax: tax tribunal; methods for tax tribunal to hold small claims hearings; expand to include telephonically or by videoconferencing.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for certain election law offenses involving materially deceptive media and intimidating an election official; provide for.
Elections: offenses; penalties for distributing materially deceptive media; provide for, and provide procedure for enjoining materially deceptive media.
Elections: registration; online voter registration process; modify.
Civil procedure: other; certain public video recordings of court proceedings; allow the victims' faces to be blurred.
Elections: absent voters; absent voter ballot and application tracking system; create.
Traffic control: violations; penalties for operating a vehicle while sending or receiving a message on an electronic wireless device; enhance.