
1 to 10 of 52 results

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  • 2021-2022
  • Transportation

2022 Senate Bill 1203 / Public Act 268

Extend annual fees imposed on Uber and Lyft type services

2022 House Bill 6369 / Public Act 232

Extend driverless car facilitation law

2022 Senate Bill 1064 / Public Act 224

Increase vehicle dealer license fees and more

2021 Senate Bill 452 / 2022 Public Act 223

Place Secretary of State commercial “look up” fee charges in statute

2021 House Bill 4414 / 2022 Public Act 214

Authorize new county “security transport officer" function and licensure category

2021 House Bill 5663 / 2022 Public Act 193

Revise commercial drivers license details

2021 House Bill 5662 / 2022 Public Act 192

Revise commercial drivers license details

2021 Senate Bill 706 / 2022 Public Act 179

Authorize “automated vehicle roadways” and user fees

2022 House Bill 6079 / Public Act 165

Honorary road designation

2022 House Bill 5720 / Public Act 164

Honorary road designation