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  • 2011-2012

2012 House Bill 5727 / Public Act 625

Require local governments enter “energy performance contracts"

2012 Senate Bill 1351 / Public Act 624

Reorganize some Oakland County courts

2012 Senate Bill 1315 / Public Act 623

Make warrantless searches a condition of criminal parole

2012 Senate Bill 1280 / Public Act 622

Give governor power to fire NRC commissioners and more

2012 Senate Bill 1243 / Public Act 621

Shift road tax money from certain subsidies to road projects

2012 Senate Bill 1239 / Public Act 620

Allow “strict discipline” charter schools to borrow for infrastructure

2012 Senate Bill 1238 / Public Act 619

Revise state land acquisition procedures

2012 Senate Bill 1145 / Public Act 618

Clarify physician’s assistant regulation details

2012 Senate Bill 1179 / Public Act 617

Revise parole law details

2012 Senate Bill 1141 / Public Act 616

Revise parole violation sanctions