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Natural resources: hunting; posting of rules and regulations by a certain date; require.
Natural resources: hunting; deer baiting license; provide for.
Natural resources: funding; Michigan natural resources trust fund recipients; modify to include state department.
Recreation: athletics and sports; publicly funded individual sports programs that provide separate programs for males and females; require athletes to be scored according to their biological sex.
Natural resources: hunting; posting of rules and regulations by a certain date; require.
Recreation: other; recreational trespass act; modify posting requirements.
Education: athletics; admission fee for high school interscholastic athletic activities; allow for cash as accepted form of payment.
Recreation: state parks; veteran or actively serving military status; make basis for free state park and public boating access site entry.
Recreation: state parks; recreation passport fee; modify revenue distribution formula.
Vehicles: registration; recreation passport fee; include in renewal of vehicle registration unless applicant opts out.