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Health occupations: physicians; interstate medical licensure compact; remove sunset.
Health: medical examiners; requirements for an investigation of the cause and manner of death; modify.
Health: medical examiners; process for medical certification of a death record; modify.
Health: pharmaceuticals; allow patients to take unused portion of eye drops or eye ointments after certain procedures for continued patient care; provide for.
Human services: medical services; medical assistance coverage for ultrasound procedures and fetal nonstress tests performed in certain locations; provide for.
Health: occupations; Michigan essential health provider recruitment strategy; expand to include midwives.
Health facilities: hospitals; certain policies on patients who are giving birth; require a hospital to adopt.
Civil rights: general discrimination; reporting procedures for mistreatment during perinatal period; provide for.
Records: death; commission to investigate racial disparities related to maternal health; create.
Records: health; health information exchange; establish certain requirements to operate a health data utility.