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  • 2023-2024
  • Commerce

2023 House Bill 4414

State agencies (existing): technology, management, and budget; department to create resources concerning digital literacy and cybersafety on public website; provide for.

  • Introduced by Rep. Helena Scott (D-7) on April 13, 2023
  • Substitute concurred in by the House on June 26, 2024
  • Passed 56 to 54 in the House on June 27, 2024

2024 Senate Bill 956

Trade: business practices; excessively increased pricing for energy products and services during a market disruption; prohibit.

2024 Senate Bill 955

Trade: business practices; excessively increased pricing for certain goods and services during a declared state of emergency; prohibit.

2024 House Bill 5460

Consumer protection: retail installment sales; payments under motor vehicle installment sale contracts; modify.

  • Introduced by Rep. Alabas Farhat (D-3) on Feb. 21, 2024
  • Substitute concurred in by the House on May 22, 2024
  • Passed 80 to 27 in the House on May 23, 2024
  • Passed 36 to 2 in the Senate on June 26, 2024

2023 House Bill 4924

Property: ownership interests; uniform partition of heirs property act; create.

2024 House Bill 5830

Trade: consumer goods and services; sale of certain dietary supplements and diet pills to individuals under the age of 18; prohibit.

2024 Senate Bill 884

Trade: labeling; labeling of lead-containing plumbing fixtures; require.

2023 House Bill 4596 / 2024 Public Act 43

Environmental protection: sewage; labeling standards for disposable wipes products; provide for.

2024 House Bill 5658

Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crimes involving violations of the hazardous products act; create.

2024 House Bill 5657

Trade: consumer goods and services; use of PFAS in household products; prohibit.