
1 to 10 of 82 results

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  • 2021-2022
  • Public Safety

2022 House Bill 6529

Charge disabled veterans just once for drivers license, for $5

2021 House Bill 5663 / 2022 Public Act 193

Revise commercial drivers license details

2021 House Bill 5662 / 2022 Public Act 192

Revise commercial drivers license details

2022 Senate Bill 1195

Exempt some truck drivers from paying income tax

2022 Senate Bill 1194

Give subsidies to employers of certain truck drivers

2021 House Bill 5508

Authorize "photo cop" school bus passing citations

2021 House Bill 4075 / 2022 Public Act 182

Require parking lots use new handicap space logo

2022 Senate Bill 1134

Increase fine for wrong truck weight

2022 Senate Bill 1078

Let tractors cross Mackinac Bridge if fast enough

2022 House Bill 6217

Revise epileptic seizure drivers license suspensions