
1 to 10 of 59 results

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  • 2017-2018
  • Public Utilities

2018 House Bill 5837 / Public Act 687

Revise "joint agency" uitility arrangements

2017 House Bill 5098 / 2018 Public Act 565

Require notice to internet service provider of right of way projects

2018 House Bill 6430 / Public Act 517

Revise municipal utility monopoly provision

2018 House Bill 6429 / Public Act 516

Revise municipal utility monopoly provision

2018 House Bill 6428 / Public Act 515

Revise municipal utility monopoly provision

2018 Senate Bill 1050 / Public Act 450

Include broadband ISPs in utility road-use law

2018 House Bill 5902 / Public Act 348

Allow lower utility rates for Dow-owned solar-cell maker

2018 House Bill 6418

Revise utility rate setting details

2018 Senate Bill 1128

Require utilities provide customer “smart meter” opt-out

2018 Senate Bill 1126

Expand utility/regulator “revolving door” restrictions