
1 to 10 of 59 results

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  • 2017-2018
  • Consumer Protection

2018 House Bill 6491 / Public Act 690

Adopt an Insurance Data Security Model Law

2018 House Bill 6406 / Public Act 649

Expand data breach response requirements

2017 Senate Bill 728

Clarify state credit card regulations

2018 House Bill 6405

Expand data breach response requirements

2018 House Bill 6464

Impose item pricing mandate on retailers

2017 House Bill 4224

Repeal ticket scalping ban

2018 House Bill 6350

Increase “do not call” list violation penalties

2018 Senate Bill 1093

Restrict marketing some mattresses as “new”

2018 Senate Bill 1087

Require insurance notice of payment to judgment creditor

2017 House Bill 4918 / 2018 Public Act 211

Ban actions related to certain veterans benefits