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Cities: home rule; penalties for certain blight offenders; increase.
Insurance: property and casualty; insurance withholding amount for fire-damaged homes; increase, and allow for abandoned funds to be used for repairs.
Insurance: health insurers; coverage for emergency refill of prescription medication for up to a 30-day supply; repeal.
Insurance: reinsurance; innovative waiver for a reinsurance program; provide for.
Insurance: health insurers; health insurance policy; include provision related to Michigan health insurance exchange act.
Insurance: health benefits; certification for qualified health plan and qualified dental plan; provide for.
Insurance: health insurers; updated references to reflect the enactment of the Michigan health insurance exchange act; provide for.
Insurance: health insurers; state-based insurance exchange; provide for.
Insurance: unfair trade practices; unfair trade practices in the insurance industry; revise.
Health facilities: hospitals; require hospitals to provide information on health insurance enrollment process for newborns; provide for.