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  • 2017-2018
  • Commerce

2018 House Bill 6491 / Public Act 690

Adopt an Insurance Data Security Model Law

2018 House Bill 6406 / Public Act 649

Expand data breach response requirements

2018 House Bill 6498 / Public Act 668

Expand laws that protect new car dealers’ turf

2017 Senate Bill 304

Cut tobacco tax

2018 House Bill 5609 / Public Act 542

Revise restrictions on insurance company customer gifts

2018 Senate Bill 1023 / Public Act 420

Impose training mandate on used car dealers

2018 Senate Bill 1027

Exempt contact lenses from use tax

2018 Senate Bill 1026

Exempt contact lenses from sales tax

2018 Senate Bill 998 / Public Act 363

Update notary public rules to accommodate remote notarizing

2017 House Bill 4224

Repeal ticket scalping ban