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Human services: services or financial assistance; Michigan energy assistance act; modify.
Human services: services or financial assistance; Michigan energy assistance act; modify.
Human services: services or financial assistance; low-income energy assistance fund; modify.
Human services: services or financial assistance; family self-sufficiency plan; modify.
Family law: paternity; medical expenses related to birth of a child born out of wedlock paid by Medicaid; modify.
Human services: medical services; rural hospital access pool; modify.
Human services: medical services; definition of complex rehabilitation technology; provide for.
Human services: medical services; access to complex rehabilitation technology; provide for.
Human services: medical services; reimbursement rate for telehealth visits; require to be the same as reimbursements for office visits.
Human services: children's services; county child care fund reimbursement rate; increase, and provide for performance requirements.