Rep. John Roth (R-104)


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  • 2023-2024

2023 House Bill 5122

Land use: zoning and growth management; solar and storage facilities of 50 or more MW but less than 100 MW; authorize MPSC certification for zoning exemptions.

  • Amendment not adopted on Nov. 2, 2023

2023 House Bill 4006 / Public Act 11

Crimes: abortion; penalty for administering with intent to procure miscarriage and advertisement or sale of certain drugs; repeal.

  • Amendment not adopted on March 2, 2023

2023 House Bill 4001 / Public Act 4

Individual income tax: retirement or pension benefits; limitations and restrictions on deductions of certain retirement or pension benefits, revenue distributions, earned income tax credit, rebate payments, rebate and revitalization and placemaking funds; revise, increase, and provide for.

Mackinac Center Analysis

Phases in exemptions for pension income but not other sources of retirement income; increase a refundable tax credit based on income and dependents; and earmark money from the Corporate Income Tax to selective business subsidy programs.

  • Amendment not adopted on Feb. 1, 2023