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Property tax: special assessments; special assessment deferment program; reinstate.
Property tax: special assessments; income eligibility cap for special assessment deferment program; modify.
Use tax: exemptions; exemption for certain baby and toddler items; provide for.
Sales tax: exemptions; exemption for certain baby and toddler items; provide for.
Individual income tax: deductions; contributions to a child care savings account; deduct.
Individual income tax: other; child care savings program; create.
Individual income tax: credit; child tax credit; provide for.
Individual income tax: deductions; exclusion of certain gratuities for tipped employees; provide for.
Property tax: exemptions; continuation of poverty exemption, without subsequent application, for homeowner who previously established eligibility; provide for in certain circumstances.
Use tax: exemptions; sunset date on exemption for firearm safety devices; extend.