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Local government: other; local government sanctuary policy prohibition act; create.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for certain employer violations; provide for.
Weapons: firearms; sale of weapons seized by a law enforcement agency under the penal code; prohibit.
Weapons: concealed; sale of weapons seized by a law enforcement agency under 1927 PA 372; prohibit.
Law enforcement: other; destruction of weapons; require for buyback programs.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for sexual extortion and aggravated sexual extortion; provide for.
Crimes: criminal sexual conduct; sexual extortion and aggravated sexual extortion; prohibit and provide penalties.
Law enforcement: state police; school safety commission membership; revise.
State management: funds; public safety and violence prevention fund; create.
Criminal procedure: statute of limitations; statute of limitations for certain criminal sexual conduct violations; eliminate.