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Health occupations: health professionals; licensure of anesthesiologist assistants; provide for.
Disabilities: other; licensed adult day-care fund act; create.
Human services: adult foster care; adult day-care facility licensing act; create.
State agencies (proposed): boards and commissions; Michigan-Ireland trade commission; establish.
Health facilities: hospitals; mandatory overtime for nurses; prohibit except under certain circumstances.
Health occupations: marriage and family therapists; licensing requirements for marriage and family therapists; modify and require continuing education.
Labor: working conditions; suitable seats; require employers to provide to employees under certain circumstances.
Labor: collective bargaining; poster of collective bargaining rights; require certain employers to display at work sites and provide to employees.
Health facilities: licensing; licensing of prescribed pediatric extended care facilities; provide for.
Transportation: other; access to park-and-ride lots for transit agencies to use as intermodal transfer points; provide for.