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Corporate income tax: flow-through entities; treatment of certain limited liability companies as a corporation; provide for.
Human services: medical services; participation in the ground emergency medical transport reimbursement program; require.
Law enforcement: state police; school safety commission membership; revise.
Health facilities: birthing centers; licensing for freestanding birth centers; provide for.
State management: other; denial of certain state economic development incentives for businesses listed on the registry; provide for.
State management: funds; public safety and violence prevention fund; create.
Sales tax: distribution; distribution of certain sales tax revenue into the public safety and violence prevention fund; provide for.
Labor: other; registry of employers who relocate a call center to a foreign country; require the department of labor and economic opportunity to create.
Public employees and officers: compensation and benefits; public employer contribution to medical benefit plan; modify.
Records: birth; new certificate of birth requirements; modify.