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Crimes: animals; cross-reference in revised judicature act; update.
Crimes: animals; cross-reference in animal welfare fund act; update.
Animals: care and treatment; definition of shelter for animals; modify.
Crimes: domestic violence; common household pets in certain shelter programs; provide for.
Crime victims: compensation; crime victim compensation for certain pet expenses; provide for.
Family law: child custody; deferred domestic violence charges; allow to be considered in cases of child custody.
Tobacco: other; criminal penalties and civil sanctions for minors that purchase, possess, or use tobacco products, vapor products, or alternative nicotine products; sunset.
Crimes: controlled substances; creating, manufacturing, possessing, or using psilocybin or psilocin; allow under certain circumstances.
Controlled substances: opioids; information sharing between department of health and human services and the opioid advisory council; require.
Criminal procedure: expunction; certain conditions allowing for setting aside convictions and certain implementation dates; amend.