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Children: child care; passing along fees for criminal background checks to certain childcare employees to the employees; prohibit.
Law enforcement: funds; public safety officer death benefits; increase.
Law enforcement: reports; amber alert act; modify.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for certain excess discharges into waters of the state; modify.
Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for crimes related to depriving individuals of certain rights; create.
Crimes: other; depriving individuals of certain rights; prohibit.
Corrections: parole; consideration of parole for certain individuals sentenced before 1980; require.
Criminal procedure: sentencing; parole eligibility for certain individuals sentenced without the possibility of parole; provide for.
Criminal procedure: expunction; procedures and eligibility for the expungement of certain records; provide for.
Law enforcement: other; law enforcement immigration enforcement support grant; provide for.