
1 to 10 of 38 results

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  • 2021-2022
  • Water

2022 House Bill 6500

Spend $18 million on drilling, mapping, and geological surveys

2022 House Bill 6203

Revise laws to incorporate lessons learned from COVID epidemic

2022 House Bill 6196

Revise laws to incorporate lessons learned from COVID epidemic

2021 Senate Bill 185

Impose more water safety mandates on child care facilities

2021 Senate Bill 184

Impose more water safety mandates on child care facilities

2022 House Bill 5892 / Public Act 134

Revise wastewater treatment facility finance regime

2022 House Bill 5891 / Public Act 133

Revise wastewater treatment facility finance regime

2022 House Bill 5890 / Public Act 132

Revise wastewater treatment facility finance regime

2022 House Bill 6211

Revise laws to incorporate lessons learned from COVID epidemic

2022 House Bill 6041

Give $50 million to Highland Park water-and-sewer customers