
1 to 10 of 95 results

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  • 2021-2022
  • Military

2022 Senate Bill 971 / Public Act 267

Authorize spending on a county veterans cemetery

2022 House Bill 6377 / Public Act 233

Revise state grants to county veterans programs

2022 Senate Bill 1084

Revise disabled veteran property tax breaks

2021 Senate Bill 783

Replace disabled veteran property tax breaks with income tax credit

2022 House Bill 6555

Revise veteran homestead tax exemption detail

2021 Senate Bill 104

Extend college tuition subsidies to National Guard spouses

2022 House Bill 6529

Charge disabled veterans just once for drivers license, for $5

2022 Senate Bill 1183

Make widows eligible for some veteran license plates

2022 Senate Bill 1165

Revise veterans license plate detail

2022 House Bill 6434

Revise disabled veteran tax exemption detail