2019 House Concurrent Resolution 1

Disapprove executive order abolishing environmental regulation review panels

Offered in the House

Feb. 6, 2019

Offered by Rep. James Lower (R-70)

To disapprove Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's <a href=" https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/0,9309,7-387-90499_90705-488736--,00.html">Executive Order No. 2019-02</a> issued Feb. 4 2019, which reorganizes and renames the state Department of Environmental Quality (henceforth the "Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy"), creates several new bureaus within the department, and abolishes three other bureaus created by legislation enacted in 2018 and signed by former Gov. Rick Snyder. The abolished entities are an <a href=" https://www.michiganvotes.org/2017-SB-652">environmental rules review committee</a> tasked with assessing the reasonableness of new environmental regulations; an <a href="https://www.michiganvotes.org/2017-SB-653">environmental permit appeal panel</a> to review permit-related grievances; and an <a href="https://www.michiganvotes.org/2017-SB-654">environmental science advisory board</a> to advise the governor on environmental issues. An executive order has the force of law unless it is disapproved within 60 days by a majority of those elected and serving in both the House and Senate.

Referred to the Committee on Government Operations

Substitute offered by Rep. Yousef Rabhi (D-53)

To adopt a version of the resolution that does not disapprove of the Executive Order.

The substitute failed by voice vote

Adopted in the House 58 to 51 (details)

Received in the Senate

Feb. 7, 2019

Referred to the Committee on Oversight

Feb. 14, 2019

Motion by Sen. Peter MacGregor (R-28)

Moved that the rules be suspended and that the following concurrent resolution, now on Committee Reports, be placed on the Resolutions calendar for consideration today.

The motion passed 22 to 16 (details)

Adopted in the Senate 22 to 16 (details)

To disapprove Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's <a href=" https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/0,9309,7-387-90499_90705-488736--,00.html">Executive Order No. 2019-02</a> issued Feb. 4 2019, which reorganizes and renames the state Department of Environmental Quality (henceforth the "Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy"), creates several new bureaus within the department, and abolishes three other bureaus created by legislation enacted in 2018 and signed by former Gov. Rick Snyder. The abolished entities are an <a href=" https://www.michiganvotes.org/2017-SB-652">environmental rules review committee</a> tasked with assessing the reasonableness of new environmental regulations; an <a href="https://www.michiganvotes.org/2017-SB-653">environmental permit appeal panel</a> to review permit-related grievances; and an <a href="https://www.michiganvotes.org/2017-SB-654">environmental science advisory board</a> to advise the governor on environmental issues. An executive order has the force of law unless it is disapproved within 60 days by a majority of the House and Senate. Both bodies have now done so, thereby halting the executive order.