2017 House Bill 4976 / Public Act 215

Revise tax dispute compromise provisions

Introduced in the House

Sept. 19, 2017

Introduced by Rep. Jim Tedder (R-43)

To authorize written settlement offers in conferences between a taxpayer and the Department of Treasury that seek to compromise on tax liabilities, under procedures and timetables specified in the bill.

Referred to the Committee on Tax Policy

Oct. 4, 2017

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-2) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

Oct. 11, 2017

Passed in the House 102 to 6 (details)

Received in the Senate

Oct. 12, 2017

Referred to the Committee on Finance

Nov. 9, 2017

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the bill pass.

Dec. 13, 2017

Passed in the Senate 38 to 0 (details)

To authorize written settlement offers in conferences between a taxpayer and the Department of Treasury that seek to compromise on tax liabilities, under procedures and timetables specified in the bill.

Signed by Gov. Rick Snyder

Dec. 19, 2017