2011 House Joint Resolution Y

Reduce pay of absent legislators

Introduced in the House

April 28, 2011

Introduced by Rep. Lisa Brown (D-39)

To place before voters in the next general election a Constitutional amendment to reduce the pay of members who have unexcused absences on session days. The measure does not specify what constitutes a legitimate excuse and does not specify the size of the pay reduction. Note: MichiganVotes provides a <a href="http://www.michiganvotes.org/MissedVotes.aspx">Missed Votes Report</a> that shows the number of roll call votes missed by each current legislator, and a link to a list of the particular votes. The missed votes for past legislators can be looked up on the <a href="http://www.michiganvotes.org/Search.aspx">advanced searches</a> page.

Referred to the Committee on Government Operations