2007 House Bill 5213

Revise criminal record expungement rules

Introduced in the House

Sept. 15, 2007

Introduced by Rep. Andy Coulouris (D-95)

To revise the grounds for seeking to have a criminal record expunged from a person’s record. The bill would allow a person convicted of only one felony offense and no other offenses, or not more than two misdemeanors, to apply to have these "set aside," or expunged from the person's public record. This would not apply to convictions for criminal sexual conduct, domestic violence, or crimes punishable by life imprisonment. The bill also allows a person to apply sooner after completing a sentence. Under current law, only a person with a single criminal conviction can petition to have the record expunged.

Referred to the Committee on Judiciary

April 16, 2008

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.