2002 House Bill 6050

Introduced in the House

May 9, 2002

Introduced by Rep. Paul Gieleghem (D-31)

To require assessment tests for all public school students between grades 4 and 11 in the subject areas of communications skills, mathematics, science, and social studies. The testing program would be under the Department of Education. Also, to require schools to develop a permanent record “pupil portfolio” on computer disk or cd-rom for each student in grades 4 to 12, with the assistance of parents, school personnel, and other interested persons. The portfolio would contain information about the pupil's academic and nonacademic goals, accomplishments, and experiences. It would given to the pupil or parent when leaving the school, and would also be sent to the next school. The portfolio would contain at least the following four parts: (A.) A record of plans, including annual academic and nonacademic plans the pupil intends to follow during the next few years. (B.) A record of academic achievement, including academic transcripts, MEAP test results, career and technical education transcripts, examples of schoolwork that demonstrate the student’s “proficiencies and creative nature,” and any other statewide subject test or nationally normed achievement test results. (C.) A record of job preparation and community involvement, including records of vocational or career and technical training, work experience, participation in clubs and organizations, volunteerism, and civic involvement, etc. (D.) A record of recognitions, including records of nonacademic awards and certificates, letters of recommendation, and personal statements about the pupil.

Referred to the Committee on Education